If I Hear Another Peep About the Black Struggle I May Verily Vomit A Good Quantity of Bile, Protein, Quinoa, and a Well Seasoned Vegetable Side

In this Video Rudy Giuliani gives an inspired defense for the legitimacy of peoples who feel that if they “Hear Another Peep About the Black Struggle They May Verily Vomit A Good Quantity of Bile, Protein, Quinoa, and a Well Seasoned Vegetable Side” which does not satisfy Cad from an intellectual perspective but I admire his Chutzpah and verily it seems that Black Peoples have decided that attacking random businesses and government buildings many of which are owned by Blacks would be the best course of action which only makes defense by lethal force by the owners of those businesses completely legitimate regardless of the race of the attacker or owner.  

I also his admire his pointing out the fact that Black people are in most danger from other black people.  Cad does not believe that Blacks are at war with blacks because of white people pitting them against each other.  Any person who lives in the ghettos my find a subsidized place to live, save a few thousand dollars, and relocate to a white area in order to escape their surroundings.  As Blacks are people, they of course feel a kinship with their homeland and associates which are often respectively ghettos and destructive criminals.  The only solution for any black individual is to leave the ghetto immediately and find work even washing dishes in a white area and struggle and find ones way to middle class living away from ghettos.

The answer is simple but difficult, but solveable for any black person.

It is therefore Obvious that if  Cad Hears Another Peep About the Black Struggle He May Verily Vomit A Good Quantity of Bile, Protein, Quinoa, and a Well Seasoned Vegetable Side because the black persons problem is he lives around losers and enjoys the company losers which is only his fault.

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